Let Your Light Shine – Nov 6

We are IHM proud to announce that SISTER KATHLEEN , the Director of the Office for Persons with Disabilities & Deaf Apostolate in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, has become a member of the Loyola Press Speakers Corps, a nationally-based pool of presenters across strategic areas of catechesis.

Congratulations to SISTER SUSAN CRONIN as she receives The Educational Leadership Award for Post-Secondary Education from The Young Men and Women in Charge (YMWIC) Foundation!

Congratulations to SISTER BARBARA MONT AGUE, Principal, and the St. Cyril School community for achieving the status of a National School of Character for 2019!

Statement of Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trusting in God’s Providence and with hearts full of creative hope, we stand with the human family in this time of stress and uncertainty. As the religious family of Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we hold in prayer those infected with the coronavirus and especially the fatal victims and their families. We …

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