Spiritual Discussion for October

“Preview” for Ongoing Formation Gathering

Using the Contemplative Process, allow the suggestions below to form your Spiritual Discussion in October.

Chapter 2018 Recommendation: “Cultivate a spirit of racial inclusion, cultural sensitivity, and respect for persons with disabilities, generate an awareness of the dynamics of racism and understand the effects.”

Presenter: Dr. Bethany Welch, Ph.D., Aquinas House, Philadelphia

Suggested Reading: Experts on multicultural parishes share best ways to create community
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Related Passages from Sacred Scripture:

John 17:21, Galatians 3:28-29, Acts 2: 1-11

Related Passages from Faithful Witness:

FW 42.2….various races, cultures, languages, social circumstances
FS 45….justice, charity, and zeal compel us to relate with courtesy, kindliness, understanding and respect.
FS 56….We are encouraged to learn the culture of the people we serve and grow in appreciation of multicultural diversity.

Related Passages from St. Alphonsus:

“Enlarge your heart. We are dealing with a God who is full of love.”

“May the Holy Spirit inflame us with that fire which Jesus came to cast on the earth and which He ardently desired to set ablaze.”

“I could go on forever, from the desire I have to see you all filled with love for Jesus Christ and working for His glory, especially in these unhappy times when we see Jesus Christ so little loved in the world.”

Communal Contemplative Prayer (followed by silent reflection)

Deep within your soul there is a knowing place
a sanctuary where gifts are nurtured.
Enter the sacred space.
Spend time there
tending your gifts as you would tend the land.
There in the chapel of your heart
you will become a gift to be given.

Reflective Sharing

Having reflected upon the selected resources listed above, let us allow the Spirit to move us into conversation.

How can we – here and now – be sisters, servants to all of God’s people . . .

  • How can we empower the gifts God has given to those we encounter?
  • How can we create an environment of hospitality beyond all differences?
  • How can we share with others – simply and honestly – the touch of God in our everyday lives?
  • How can we see beyond the differences that seem to divide us – and make room for the incredible reality that we are “one body” in Christ?
  • How can we become sensitive to the insecurities, losses and fears of others and open our hearts to walk in solidarity with them?

Closing Prayer

O God of Boundless Love,

You steep us in the pioneering spirit of our IHM Legacy!
Enable us to stand ready to be transformed into New Creation –
a Community where ALL ARE WELCOMED and LOVED!

You draw us ever more deeply into our IHM preference for the poor!
Lead us to seek out the lonely and the lost in our midst
whether their poverty be material, physical, social, or spiritual!

You call us to radical LOVE, CREATIVE HOPE AND FIDELITY!
Help us to be who we say we are –

(If you prefer to print out the October Spiritual Discussion Guide Click here)