We, Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, resolve to re-ignite within our congregational heart the zeal of Father Gillet, Mother Theresa Maxis and our early sisters as we proceed into the future. With gratitude for Divine Providence’s dynamic guidance from the earliest days of our congregation, we hear a sacred voice arising from within “Behold! I make all things new. Listen!” Assured of God’s fidelity, like Mary, we embrace our call to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s transformative action, to live as faithful witnesses to the good news of God’s love for all, and to listen deeply for direction on the paths ahead.
We commit to accept God’s loving invitation to reserve an inner and sacred space
through a consistent practice of contemplative listening, reflection and dialogue with the
Divine. We desire to treasure the intimacy that is cultivated, trusting that we may bear
God’s presence to all.
We commit to strengthen our community life by deepening our relationship with one
another through the living of our vows. We will participate responsibly in all that is
entrusted to us, discerning our values and decisions and creating vitality in our local
communities, and seeking to foster vocations.
We commit to search for a new vision of service and action in ministry rooted in our
mission, surrendering those mindsets which limit the scope of our collaboration. We
invite God’s steadfast guidance and open our hearts to new ways of ministering that
We commit to support women who are called to be servant leaders at all levels guiding
us, making wise and compassionate decisions, and honoring both the tradition of our past
and ministerial needs of the future