About Us


IHM Archives

It is essential that the Archives staff preserve the history, charism, and traditions of the IHM Congregation, most especially to keep alive the memory of our IHM Sisters, both living and deceased.  We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before ...

Our Foundation

The origins of our Congregation can be traced back to a log cabin in Monroe, Michigan. It was there that Reverend Louis Florent Gillet, a Redemptorist missionary, having searched in vain for religious to teach the spiritually and educationally abandoned...

Who Are the IHMs?

The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Immaculata, Pennsylvania, are a religious congregation committed to proclaiming the Gospel message in the spirit of Jesus the Redeemer. Strengthened by a life of vowed consecration, nurtured...


Throughout our history, and relying on God’s Divine Providence, we, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have been called to be pioneer women of faith, hope and trust, celebrating and proclaiming the Good News of God’s unconditional lov...


Father Louis Florent Gillet Father Louis Florent Gillet was born in Antwerp, Belgium, January 12, 1813 and baptized the same day at the Franciscan Church of St. Anthony. Although little of his childhood can be documented, it is known that education...

Spirit of the IHM Congregation

The spirit of the IHM congregation is, in the tradition of St. Alphonsus Liguori, the spirit of Jesus Christ the Redeemer. The essence of Redemptorist spirituality is rooted in the self-emptying of Jesus Christ and it is this spirit which impels the ...

Chapter 2023 Direction Statement

We, Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, resolve to re-ignite within our congregational heart the zeal of Father Gillet, Mother Theresa Maxis and our early sisters as we proceed into the future. With gratitude for Divine Providence’s dynamic g...

Congregational Administration

S. Mary Ellen Tennity IHMGeneral Superior S. M. John Evelyn DiTrolio IHMFirst Assistant S. M. Monica Therese Sicilia IHMCouncil Member S. ...