OGF Digital Reservoir – Videos Cole, Casey, OFM and Kenneth Himes (April 4, 2016). Catholic Social Teaching: Called to Charity and Justice. Joni and Friends Video. (2020, July 01). Changing church culture. Hosffman Ospino TEDxTalks. (2020, January 17). How the world learned to SAY LGBT | FAHAD SAEED | TEDxCopenhagen. TEDxTalks. (2017, July 18). How to grow empathy from uncovering your roots. TEDxPittsburgh. Two Purposes: Accepting and Including People with Disabilities (2019). Welcoming Diversity w/Sr. Teresa Maya CCVI S. Kathy Brown: Pastoral Team at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Sister Kathleen Schipani IHM: Offering Compassion to All of God’s People Sister Susan Cronin IHM: Immaculata University Garden Club Sister Rose Patrice Kuhn IHM: The Blessings of My Hispanic Ministry Brene Brown- The Power of Vulnerability (TED talk) Sister Lisa Lettiere IHM: Archbishop Ryan School for the Deaf and St. Lucy’s School for Children with Visual Impairments Bernardin, Cardinal Joseph. (August 19, 2013). Open minds, open hearts, open doors.