The Office of Mission Effectiveness

The newly created Office of Mission Effectiveness (OME) is a direct response to the desire expressed in Chapter 2018 to live our IHM spirit in “vibrant and tangible ways.” The stated purpose of the office is as follows:

The IHM Sisters’ Office of Mission Effectiveness supports the articulation and  integration of the Mission of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in all of its ministries. It provides information, develops resources, and plans initiatives that enliven and support a dynamic awareness of the IHM Charism that animates each sister in her ministry as she proclaims the Gospel message in the spirt of Jesus the Redeemer. The IHM Sisters participate in the redemptive Mission of the Church as they radiate joyful service and proclaim Gospel values to all God’s people, especially those in most need.

The OME will serve as a supportive mechanism for all of our sisters across all ministries. Together, we will endeavor to live the IHM Mission, revitalized and responding anew to our charism of love, creative hope, and fidelity. Specifically, the sisters in the OME will work toward the coordinating the Chapter 2018, Mission and Ministry Committee recommendations. A key focus will be on our Mission as it unites and directs our varied ministries.

OME Logo Explanation

The inspiration for this logo came from the introduction of Fr. Dennis Billy’s new book, Finding Our Way to God: Spiritual Direction for the Moral Life. Father explains a moment in St. Alphonsus’ spiritual discernment when he kneels in prayer at an altar dedicated to Mary, Mother of Mercy, lays down his sword before her image, and leaves everything to follow Christ. Father suggests that the two-edged sword provides us with a way of understanding the gospel spirituality of St. Alphonsus.

The Two-Edged Sword

  • One edge represents the “spirituality of practice” and focuses on the living out of our faith with the mind and attitudes of Christ.
  • The other edge represents the “spirituality of heart” and focuses on lifting our minds and hearts to God.
  • The single point of the sword represents the “spirituality of mission”, unites the two edges and focuses on spreading the good news of Jesus as redeemer to those around us.
  • The heart represents the spirituality of our charism, and focuses on our purpose, our mission, our call.
  • The outer rings of the logo represent our continued movement toward God and the outward sharing of our experience of Jesus, the Redeemer with all those we meet.

Sincere thanks to Sister Monica Sicilia for transforming the inspiring words into this beautiful, vibrant image.

Sister Rita J. Murphy, IHM


Sister Margaret P. Reinking, IHM

Sister Anne B. McGuire, IHM